Monday, December 22, 2014


Today I finished the test on Stacks and Queues, and did well! I'm now working on the next section, which covers Sets.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Today I went through the Stacks and Queues section. It was relatively short, but now I realize how important they really are. Afterwards, I got some help from Sam and we experimented with using Stacks (I just used TextEdit, which is OSX's Notepad to code in). Now, I completely know how to use Stacks and Queues and I'm ready to take the test Monday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Today I worked on Test 20. Although at the beginning it said it was about multiple things, it really focused on Big-O Notation, which was one of the only things I was confused about in the chapter. I tried my best to get a lot of them done, and I also did a lot of research on Big-O Notation, but couldn't find too much about it. I'll definitely have to look the questions over again.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Today I worked on learning Searching and Sorting (continued). I'm currently working on an exercise that makes the quicksort method able to work with the Integer type. The rest of the reading so far was pretty much review of the past chapters (quicksort, mergesort, etc.), including a few free response questions which I skipped because they were meant for pre-AP exam.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Up to 12/14/14

I just wanted to make a brief explanation of what I did this week, condensed into one large post. Hopefully this will make it easier to read!

Monday (see post below).

Tuesday: On Tuesday, I worked a bit on the chapter after the Quiz, by reading the introduction on Program Analysis. I did decently on the quiz, but I went over the answers a bit, since I did get a few wrong. I learned why I made some of my mistakes, but I'd still like to go over them again if possible!

Wednesday: On Wednesday, I worked with Jack and Dylan to help fix the MacBook. I did some research and realized that some older macs actually have a restriction on the hard drive size. We came to the conclusion that 1TB was too much, and that the max was likely 500GB.

Thursday: On Thursday, we tested running my hard drive in the MacBook. It worked perfectly, so I started cleaning it off in hopes of reinstalling OSX on it to have a new working hard drive.

Friday: I continued transferring files off of the hard drive. I had hoped to get a fresh install of OSX on it, but there were too many files. I plan to finish it Monday evening.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Today I continued my work on Searching and Sorting. For the most part so far, it focuses on the selectionSort method:

public static void selectionSort( Item[] array )
  int i, k, posmax;
  Item temp;
  for ( i = array.length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
    posmax = 0;
    for ( k = 1 ; k <= i ; k++ )
      if ( array[ k ].compareTo( array[ posmax ] ) > 0 )
      posmax = k;
    temp = array[ i ];
    array[ i ] = array[ posmax ];
    array[ posmax ] = temp;

I've been doing my best today to try to memorize this, however I'm still working on it. I reached the first activity of the chapter, which I can hopefully complete tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Work for 12/1/14

Today I finished the test, and I did fairly decently. I also started the new chapter, but I haven't done any exercises yet; I just read the introduction.