Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I decided to skip the exercise, as I was extremely close to completing it anyway and I knew the material. Today, I fully completed all the Turtle labs (minus a few that required me to open their project in Eclipse). I'm now ready to take Test 17, which I will do tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think skipping the exercise is a good approach. To say you are "close to completing it" doesn't count. As the ninety-ninety rule makes clear (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule), the last 10 percent of a problem can take at least as long to complete as the first 90 percent, and the ability to follow through on the sometimes tedious, often frustrating and unnerving process of finishing that last 10 percent is what separates the pros from the impostors. It is this ability that will make you valuable in the future.
