Friday, January 30, 2015


I got it working! :)

I found this post on StackOverflow... apparently I wasn't the only one with this issue! I started the phone in Fastboot mode, by holding down Volume Down and then Power to boot up. Then, from my terminal, I used their flash file (also known as, to flash version 188, the most recent stable build. Now, I have a baseline which I will have as a backup when I flash a dev build.

EDIT: The phone is now running full 3.0, with nightly dev builds enabled! All developer tools, including ADB debugging, are enabled! In other words, it's fully setup and ready to go.

Updating the FirefoxOS Flame to 2.2!

Today I decided to work on the most important thing I could think of, which was updating the OS of the device. It started out easy, but, as I didn't have a lot of developer tools installed on my Mac, I had to go through a lot of workarounds.

At first, I followed the Updating Your Flame guide. I got to the step after downloading the required packages, and then realized I needed ADB, an important part of the Android SDK.

To install this, I followed this guide. However, that only worked up to the point where I had Homebrew, and couldn't get past there.

I then discovered an easy script to install it. I then ran into this bug, but luckily there was an easy fix posted - running their script with sudo.

I'm working on finalizing the installation of the image. Something isn't going right with it...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Starting out with Firefox OS

Today I started out with learning more about FirefoxOS. Since it's all HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based, I can hopefully use some of my JavaScript knowledge and WebStorm to fix some bugs!

I also got setup for Firefox Hello, which is their version of Skype or Google Hangouts. It's fairly simplistic, and you can use it with the press of a button, granted you're in Firefox. You can also accept calls from browsers such as Chrome, if you have a link. I tested it out a bit with Aki and it worked perfectly! He doesn't have a webcam, though, so I haven't actually seen how it works with multiple people.

I learned that I can contribute by completing tasks, and the tasks are even tracked to my email. I think that's really cool, because I can keep track of my progress as I go along. I can access it at any time I want here.

I learned how to put the custom developer image on as well - I've actually done something very similar to this on an old Android phone of mine. They had more optimized versions of Android to run, and so I installed a custom image onto it. It's pretty much the same thing here, as we're using the ADB software to install a custom image (developer FirefoxOS) onto the phone. There's a full guide on that available here, and there's video tutorials everywhere as well.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Day in Javascript (1/28/15)

Today I worked a bit on Javascript. It's not very related to what I'm currently doing, but I thought that I should learn a bit of web languages, especially since I decided that I should work on the Firefox phone today. I installed a program called WebStorm, which is an IDE for Javascript (by the creators of IntelliJ). It's similar to Vim in syntax hi-lighting, but also has code completion and some other helpful things.

I fooled around a bit with the basic methods and created some simple scripts. Once I get some more interesting things working, I'll post the code here. It's pretty similar to Java, so I think I'm doing well in it so far!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Heaps and Python (WS) (1/26/15)

Today I worked on the Heaps worksheet. Although I actually haven't written or even seen Python in the past few years, this refreshed my knowledge a bit on it and also allowed me to learn about Heaps a bit more! I finished the worksheet and I got them correct in the end. I learned about the following.

Heap Up - Used when you want to insert a value into a heap. Recursively goes through the current heap to figure out where to put the new value.

Heap Down - Used when you want to remove a value. Recursively goes through the current heap, by rebuilding it without the value.

I also learned about translating a list into a heap. It's fairly simple:

For the left value, you can use 2*i, where i is the index of the value.
For the right value, you can use 2*i+1, where i is the index of the value.

From here, you basically are filling out values from left to right.
For example, if your list is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], your heap wouldn't be correct. You'd have to use one of the above methods to fix it. In the worksheet example, we recursively used heap_down. From there, it fixed the heap, leaving it to a correct heap. Using the example, our new heap would be [1, 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2]. This would be a Min-Heap, and would look like this:

   7      6
  4   5   3  2

The worksheet really helped with a lot of Heap concepts that EIMACS didn't explain to the fullest. I think that it did help me learn a bit more about the basic properties of Heaps and some ways that they can be created and modified.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Experimenting with Android Studio (1/23/15)

Today I experimented with Android Studio. I set it up, and I wrote some code, although then I realized that it was getting a bit over-complex so I decided to remove the project. I was attempting to go back into servers (Sockets), but it's been awhile since I've done Android Java, so I think that it would be better to start again with basic things such as buttons. The next day I have free to go back to Android, I'll start working on the basic concepts that are outlined for the test.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Test 24 (1/22/15)

Today I worked on the last test of EIMACS: Test 24. I did well, and tomorrow it looks like I'll start working on more problems on Heaps and other ADTs.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Abstract Data Types (1/21/15)

I'm still working on figuring ADTs out, but this is my research on them so far.

My definition: An abstract data type is a way of defining certain data structures that act the same, across multiple programming languages. Abstract data types have been evaluated on their completion time and efficiency, and are often looked at for their limitations and their operations that they may perform. They are independent of particular implementation. They are defined mathematically, rather than implemented by the programming language.

Some examples: 
-Priority Queues

ADTs have set operations that can be done to them. An example of this would be the abstract Stack, in which the only methods that can be done to it would be push and pop, and that its constraint is that "the sequence of operations { push(S,x); V ← pop(S) } is equivalent to { V ← x };" (Wikipedia). It usually also includes the methods of create, empty(create()), and notemptypush(S,x). They mean that a new stack is different from all previously created stacks, a newly created stack is empty, and pushing an object to a stack makes it not empty.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Notes on Heaps (1/16/15)

Today, I worked on learning about Heaps!

A heap, according to EIMACS, is a binary tree, whose values are Comparable objects. Also, a heap has to have met one of the following two properties:

  1. Each node's value is greater than or equal to the parent. [Called the Min-Heap Property]
  2. Each node's value is less than or equal to the parent. [Called the Max-Heap Property]
In heaps, the highest, or lowest, value of the entire tree is already at the root position. This allows for a lot of uses!

A good example of a Max-Heap is shown below:

"Max-Heap" by Ermishin - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
As shown above, heaps need to be complete. An example of an incomplete heap is shown below, courtesy of EIMACS:
For example, the right branch is not fully complete - there is no "F" value. Incomplete heaps can not exist.

There are other reasons as well as to why heaps would not be compatible, for example if they do not meet the Min-Heap or Max-Heap properties.

The following code example below, courtesy of EIMACS, allows for elements to be taken from an array and inserted into a Heap, one-by-one.

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void heapInsert( ArrayList<T> heap, T value){
    int newValueIndex = heap.size();
    heap.add( newValueIndex, value );

    while ( newValueIndex > 1 ){
        int parentIndex = ( newValueIndex / 2 );
        T parentValue = heap.get( parentIndex );
        if ( value.compareTo( parentValue ) < 0 ){
            heap.set( parentIndex, value );
            heap.set( newValueIndex, parentValue );

            newValueIndex = parentIndex;
        else {

There are many features as to why developers would like to use heaps. Obviously with heaps you are left with two options, as described above. You could go the Min-Heap route, where the smallest value is most easily accessible, or the Max-Heap route, where the largest value is most easily accessible. As a result, it is stated that heaps are often used for priority queues. Sorting is fast and efficient with heaps, completing in only O(nlog(n)) time. This mentioned algorithm is called HeapSort.

How do HeapSorts work? It's fairly simple.
  1. All values are inserted one-by-one into a binary tree. It is made sure that this tree is a heap.
  2. The root of this tree is removed, but a value takes it place such that it stays a heap.
  3. This method is completed several times until all of the values have been checked.
With a time of only O(nlog(n)), it's just as good as a well-run quicksort or merge sort. As a result, it's often used by developers.

The three methods needed for a HeapSort are shown below:
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void heapInsert( ArrayList<T> heap, T value ){
    int newValueIndex = heap.size();
    heap.add( newValueIndex, value );
    while ( newValueIndex > 1 ){
        int parentIndex = ( newValueIndex / 2 );
        T parentValue = heap.get( parentIndex );
        if ( value.compareTo( parentValue ) < 0 ){
            heap.set( parentIndex, value );
            heap.set( newValueIndex, parentValue );
            newValueIndex = parentIndex;
        else {

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T heapRemove( ArrayList<T> heap ){
    if ( heap.size() < 3 ){
        return heap.remove( 1 );
    T root = heap.get( 1 );
    T lastValue = heap.remove( heap.size() - 1 );
    int valueIndex = 1;
    heap.set( valueIndex, lastValue );
    int childIndex = ( 2 * valueIndex );
    while ( childIndex < heap.size() ){
        T childValue = heap.get( childIndex );
        if ( childIndex + 1 < heap.size() && childValue.compareTo(heap.get( childIndex + 1 )) > 0 ){
            childValue = heap.get( childIndex );
        if ( lastValue.compareTo( childValue ) > 0 ){
            heap.set( childIndex, lastValue );
            heap.set( valueIndex, childValue );
            valueIndex = childIndex;
        else {
            return root;
    return root;

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void heapSort( ArrayList<T> a ){
    ArrayList<T> heap = new ArrayList<T>();
    heap.add( null );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.size(); i++ ){
        heapInsert( heap, a.get( i ) );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.size(); i++ ){
        a.set( i, heapRemove( heap ) );

Once these methods are in your class, you can simply call them from your main method and use HeapSorts!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Notes on Binary Search Trees (1/15/15)

Today I worked on Binary Search Trees.

Binary Search Trees, according to EIMACS, are binary trees whose values are instances of reference types - they implement the Comparable<T> interface. They can never have the same value more than once.

In a Binary Search Tree, each left value is less than the root value, and each right value is greater than the root value. A good picture example of this is this, also from EIMACS:
A perfect example as to why a developer would choose a Binary Search Tree is that it has a very efficient search algorithm, as seen below. This method will return a the TreeNode where the defined value exists, and otherwise, return null. As a result of the compareTo method and the Comparable interface, it is much quicker and efficient than other methods.

static TreeNode searchBST( TreeNode tree, Comparable value )
    if ( tree == null ){
        return null;
    Object rootVal = tree.getValue();
    if ( value.equals( rootVal ) ){
        return tree;
    if ( value.compareTo( rootVal ) < 0 ){
        return searchBST( tree.getLeft(), value );

As previously stated, this method has a great deal of use if you're working with trees. Granted that your Binary Tree is pre-sorted, this method will allow for fast accessing of data - a perfect reason to use a Binary Tree.

Creating Binary Search Trees isn't all too difficult, as shown in EIMACS, the buildBST and insertLeaf methods, as shown below, can both create and insert data into a Binary Search Tree.

public static TreeNode buildBST( ArrayList<Comparable> values )
    TreeNode newTree = null;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < values.size() ; i++ ){
        newTree = insertLeaf( newTree, values.get( i ) ); 
    return newTree;

public static TreeNode insertLeaf( TreeNode tree, Comparable value )
    if ( tree == null ){
        return new TreeNode( value );

    if ( value.compareTo( tree.getValue() ) < 0 ){
        tree.setLeft( insertLeaf( tree.getLeft(), value ) );
    else {
        tree.setRight( insertLeaf( tree.getRight(), value ) );
    return tree;
Additionally noted in this section is the TreeSet<E> interface. All objects in this must be Comparable<E> objects. It also allows for quick searching, adding, and removing of objects, none of which take more than O(log(n)) time.

TreeMap<K, V> is also a noted interface. All objects in this must be Comparable<K> objects, and the methods available for this interface are get, put, containsKey, and remove. They also can be completed in O(log(n)) time or less, and objects in the TreeMap are stored and retrievable in the same order, which is advantageous in certain situations.

I also began to install Xcode, which apparently can be used for Java. I wanted to experiment with it a bit later on when I go back to Android development, and since I've heard it's a fairly decent IDE, I thought it would be worth a try. It only took two or so minutes, so I didn't lose too much time by doing this either!

Tomorrow I will add information on Heaps!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Notes on Binary Traversals (1/14/15)

Today I worked on Binary Traversals and took some notes on them. Basically, there are 7 types of traversals:

Preorder Traversal - Looks at the root value, then the left subtree, then the right subtree.
Reverse Preorder Traversal - Also looks at the root value, then the right subtree, then the left subtree.
Inorder Traversal - Looks at the left subtree, then the root, then the right subtree.
Reverse Inorder Traversal - Looks at the right subtree, then the root, then the left subtree.
Postorder Traversal - Looks at the left subtree, then the right subtree, then the root.
Reverse Postorder Traversal - Looks at the right subtree, then the left subtree, then the root.
Level-by-level Traversal - Looks at all the nodes, level by level, going down one at a time, from left to right.

As can be seen, there are many different ways to traverse Binary Trees. I've added the following example below to look at a Preorder Traversal (taken from EIMACS):

public void printValues(TreeNode tree){
    System.out.print( tree.getValue() );
    if ( tree.getLeft() != null ){
        printValues( tree.getLeft() );
    if (tree.getRight() != null ){
        printValues( tree.getRight() );


Although this is more of a simplistic example, you can see that all other types of traversals would be similar to this. For example, a reverse preorder traversal would be the following:

public void printValuesReverse(TreeNode tree){
    System.out.print( tree.getValue() );

    if (tree.getRight() != null ){
        printValuesReverse( tree.getRight() );

    if ( tree.getLeft() != null ){
        printValuesReverse( tree.getLeft() );

This can be done for all types of binary tree traversals. Although it is a simplistic concept, it outlines important ways of finding your data via binary trees. Each type of traversal has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is left to the developer to figure out which would be the best method to choose.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Examples and Notes on Trees

A tree, continuing on from linked lists, is a data structure used in Java. It starts with the initial node, called the root, and then contains several nodes that may contain references to many other nodes. The initial nodes are considered roots of subtrees. It is described on Wikipedia here, however this description isn't entirely Java-based, rather just of the general programming concept of Trees. A good example of a tree would be the image below:

20 would be the root, or initial node, and number 15 would be the left node and 30 would be the right node. This has the ability to continue as long as the developer would like, and allows for quick sorting and accessing of data.

A good example of a tree can be seen from the example below, taken from EIMACS:

public class TreeNode
private Object value;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
public TreeNode( Object initValue )
value = initValue;
left = null;
right = null;
public TreeNode( Object initValue,
TreeNode initLeft,
TreeNode initRight )
value = initValue;
left = initLeft;
right = initRight;
public Object getValue() { return value; }
public TreeNode getLeft() { return left; }
public TreeNode getRight() { return right; }
public void setValue( Object newValue )
value = newValue;
public void setLeft( TreeNode newLeft )
left = newLeft;
public void setRight( TreeNode newRight )
right = newRight;

As seen, this class allows for tree nodes to be modified and created. If used properly, it will allow for the full creation of a binary tree!

The setLeft and setRight methods allow for creation of the left and right children, respectively. setValue allows for a certain value to be reset, and getValue is a getter method to find a certain value. Although it's a bit more complex than the previously explained searching and sorting methods, once you understand it, you'll have a much better way to set, sort, and access data.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Today I took Test 23 and got everything right!

I also began working on the Trees section. It looks a bit complex, so I will start taking notes on here starting Monday.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


On Wednesday (1/17) I started working on a UMD problem, #5. I haven't fully completed it but I'll continue working on it.

Today I studied a bit more for Test 23. I'm ready to take it tomorrow as long as the class time is normal again!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Today I mainly worked on studying Sets and Maps. I worked on some of the exercises as well. I finished the chapter completely, so I'm ready to take the test on them tomorrow!