Today I decided to work on the most important thing I could think of, which was updating the OS of the device. It started out easy, but, as I didn't have a lot of developer tools installed on my Mac, I had to go through a lot of workarounds.
At first, I followed the Updating Your Flame guide. I got to the step after downloading the required packages, and then realized I needed ADB, an important part of the Android SDK.
To install this, I followed this guide. However, that only worked up to the point where I had Homebrew, and couldn't get past there.
I then discovered an easy script to install it. I then ran into this bug, but luckily there was an easy fix posted - running their script with sudo.
I'm working on finalizing the installation of the image. Something isn't going right with it...
Let's make this one of the questions we ask at the meeting tomorrow. Which version of the OS should you be using?