Wednesday, March 18, 2015

More Refactoring, Fixing Bugs (3/18)

Today we have made more improvements to refactoring. It's funny, we made so many code changes, but no real feature was changed. However, we did fix some bugs.

The first bug we fixed was audio not saving after load. We completely removed our timeupdate event function, which allowed us to recode it into a simple 4-line function which saves our audio data. We then added a .position variable to the Chapter class, and allowed the app to save to this variable when the timeupdate event was fired. You can see Alex's explanation of this here.
Another bug that was fixed today was the descriptions in search not being formatted properly. This bug was also a simple fix, I had run into it earlier and I showed Alex the code from previously. We determined that it was not parsing the HTML properly. [See line "this.description"]

All that was required was JQuery's parseHTML method, followed by a text() method. This allowed for the app to remove all HTML formatting from the description, which had resulted in weird, random spaces, and bolded/hyperlinked text that we didn't want.

That was about it for today! Refactoring can be time consuming, but in the end it's making it a lot easier to add things on.

EDIT: After further testing, it seems as if we're no longer getting "not well formed" errors, and the page change bug [you had to restart the app to search for a different book] is no longer there!

1 comment:

  1. Your comment that "It's funny, we made so many code changes, but no real feature was changed" is the very essence of what is called refactoring. Once you have automated tests in place, running the tests is supposed to provide you with confidence of that very thing, that despite lots of changes to the implementation details of your program, it still implements the same features it did before.
