Today I started out with making a pull request to your GitHub project. Luckily the fix wasn't too intensive - I managed to fix it with a few changes to the manifest.
The Geolocation API wasn't working, so I decided to check the manifest. Luckily, the fix was that the app wasn't allowing the Geolocation APIs, so by allowing these in the manifest, the app was able to access such libraries.
Making a pull request was pretty easy after we figured it out. My issue was that I was trying to clone your repo and make a pull request into it. What I needed to do was fork the repository, then change the origin:
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin [fork repository url]
After that I could push into my forked repository, which I could then create a pull request to fix it.
I also worked awhile on fixing contacts. Our only issue was that it wasn't continuing through the loop. We were using:
Instead of:
This resulted in only being able to get the first item of the result array, when there were a lot more available. By having a continue afterwards, we were able to successfully loop through the array.
Great title for this post! I commented on one of Dylan's posts on a similar topic, how useful it is to create titles that will make searching for important information like this easier in the future.