Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello World

Eclipse seems to be working for the most part and I even managed to successfully run an app on the tablet as seen in the picture below which just says "Hello World".
It's not that interesting but I later tried to run the example they had to depict services. It was supposed to just have two buttons where once pressed it would say "Service Running" and a button to stop it. There were no errors in my code but there were warnings and I'm sure the code they provided had no errors so I don't know what the problem was. I'll try it again with a new project but I don't think I am going to work on it for long because I want to make more progress in the tutorial. Also, Alex suggested that I make my own apps instead of just copying the books code and adding onto the app, like later coding my own buttons to show or delete the "Hello World" text. My brother also suggested that I read the Oracle Java documentation because it apparently had good explanations.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! It may not be that interesting to the uninitiated, but I'm well aware that "Hello World" is one of the most import programs there is! It means you have a working development environment and can now proceed on to bigger and better things. No small feat, this is. The documentation your brother suggested looks good. Keep asking him about what you are doing. This is, after all, what big brothers are for ;-)
