Tuesday, October 7, 2014

User Story!

Here's a basic user story for our app, with a small explanation included.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't at all what I mean by a "user story". Please read the following wikipedia entry:


    and write a blog post that convinces me you understood what you read.

    You mentioned on Friday that you were finding this whole process to be "complicated". Complicated can lead to frustrating pretty quickly, especially if you start with a "big design up front" approach
    (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Design_Up_Front).

    We are now over half way through the first quarter, and I don't have a good sense of what your application can do or where it is going. I want to help you avoid sinking into the abyss, and never being able to find your way forward.

    I would be much happier if you would take on a real "user story", and get that small bit of application to work.

    How about: I want users to be able to log in to the game, and see the message "welcome [user], you are now logged in!".

    Implementing this one story requires you to users defined in your app, and a server running into which they can authenticate. That's a big enough chunk of functionality.

    Let's talk tomorrow to refine your goals for the next week, and to come up with something you can deliver.
