Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Custom Buttons, Menus, and More

Finn starting working on SQL and he also taught me a bit of Java and basic listeners(how to work a button).
final Button menuStore = (Button) findViewById(R.id.menuStore); //Button in menu to store
                    menuStore.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
                        public void onClick(View v){
                            Intent startStore = new Intent(v.getContext(), StoreHandler.class);

I can basically use this as a template for making buttons, all I have to do is change the IDs. I also added a store page but it's not that interesting.

I also started working on some custom UI and buttons last night. They are available here in a zip file (updated daily)! -Finn

Our goals for the week are
  • Make custom buttons 
  • Finish up most of the menus

1 comment:

  1. Question: what are the trade offs of using custom buttons vs. pre-themed "android" buttons? I'm assuming there are buttons in the main libraries that are customizable. Is that the case? Are there design standards for Android apps?
