Monday, September 29, 2014

Image Buttons

  • Finn told me that image buttons have different formats which are -hdpi, -ldpi, -mdpi, -xhdpi, -xxhdpi 
    • As far as I know different devices have different file formats and xxhdpi is the highest quality image and hdpi is the lowest quality 
    • I think I found a resizer that will handle it automatically
  •  You can then upload the files and reference them from the drawable folder
  • You can also add different states to the buttons such as when it is clicked it can change the button or when there is a cursor over it
  • Finn told me how to move the images into the resources folder so tomorrow I can start applying the images to different buttons and adding different states to them

  • Switch buttons to image buttons
  • Finn will suggest something else for me later in the week
  • Set up SQL database and start saving and loading things to it
  • Work on chat colors and user tags

1 comment:

  1. You continue to provide good details, but I'm realizing I'm having trouble understanding the big picture. What is this app you are working on going to do? Could you please provide a high level roadmap of what it's features will be? What are you calling it, btw?
