- Setup a properties file, server.properties, which contains essential server information such as SQL information, etc.
- Setup a full connection to an SQL server - via Java's SQLConnection
- Once server connects to SQL, server will announce it has connected to IP:Port, and list the username, and the password in * form based on the amount of characters (so, if your password is password, it will be ********)
- Setup methods ready to handle user permissions
- Server will create a permissions file if it doesn't exist - this is another layer of security. With a permissions file, we define the mySQL information, so it isn't hardcoded. It also allows us to switch mySQL servers more easily to test, etc.
- Client can now send data to server, and from there the server will handle all SQL, adding an extra security layer - this is done via a Java Socket, a DataInputStream, and the "case" and "switch" statements
- Methods will also be made for specific actions, rather than directly putting in statements. This way the server can call things such as "setUserPermission", etc, rather than directly putting in SQL code. That way, no one can drop tables, etc.
Aki began to work on ImageButtons for all of our buttons. Default android buttons don't even compare to how these look, and the UI will look great! He's also coding them in as ImageButtons, rather than stock Buttons, which have a very default-android look.
As for some of our new buttons... many of our Menu buttons look like this. We're trying to give more of a pixel-art feel.
So where is your github repo, and where are the links in your blog entries to all this code you've been writing? Please setup that up first thing next week.